
A conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Mathematical Physics will be held in Davis on April 24, 1998. This conference is sponsored by the California Coordinating Committee on Nonlinear Science (CCCNLS), the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley, the Institute of Theoretical Dynamics at UC Davis (ITD), the Department of Mathematics at UC Davis, and the Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan. This conference is dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Professor Joel Smoller. Professor Smoller is a pioneering mathematician whose contributions have influenced modern analysis during the last several decades. Professor Smoller, who currently holds the Lamberto Cesari Chair of Mathematics at the University of Michigan, was a Visiting Regents Professor at the ITD in 1995, and has been a frequent visitor at the ITD and UC-Davis during the past ten years.

The main speakers at the conference are Tai Ping Liu, Peter Lax, James Glimm, Shing-Tung Yau, and Avner Friedman. Immediately following the conference, is the American Mathematical Society (AMS) Western Sectional Meeting scheduled for April 25 and 26. For more information on this event, please contact the Department of Mathematics at UC Davis by e-mail at

For more information on this conference, view the UC Davis site.